2011 - Hi5 the world

Essay- A narrow escape

essay December 01, 2011
''Boom!'' I was awaken by the sound of something crashing on the engine. I was very curious and wanted to know what had happened to the aircraft which I was boarding in. It was weird that the aircraft  was like swinging in the in the air. When I looked out of the window, I was shocked to see smoke coming out from the...

Essay-Who influenced you the most?

essay November 30, 2011
A woman with blonde, sleek and alluring hair is my mother. Her name is Mary who married my father. She's the person who had the biggest influence in my life. I can still remember vividly every precious moment I spent with my loving mother. ''Linda! Linda!" I saw my mother running towards me and she looked pale and was sweating profusely. I was...

Essay-Traffic accident of life in Seremban

essay November 29, 2011
Traffic Accident of Life in Seremban Seremban, Tuesday- A horrifying road accident occur last midnight which led to a fatal of a man and injured five other passengers including a 4-year-old girl. According to one of the witnesses, Madam Yong said that the car was driven in high speed on the road and suddenly it was out of control. She was still trembling...

Essay-My Idol

essay November 28, 2011
Who is your idol? Almost everyone has their idols, including me, I also have my own favourite idol. That person whose qualifies I particular admire is my father. He is forty-eight years old now. For me, I think my father is the most industrious man in the world. He is very fair and tall. He is still very healthy because he always takes...


English zone November 12, 2011
I read about this topic last week. Actually I just had a quick flip through the green book(Language Description book) on that day. I found it quite interesting, so I decided to share it here. I don't think I'll read this book if there's no examination for this subject.  >.<  Interjections are used in our daily conversation. I think I use a lot of 'hmm'...

Why I cannot wink?

English zone November 07, 2011
One day, I saw a girl winking at me. Then my first reaction was..."Huh! I cannot wink my eye." So I went to google How to wink. Winking doesn't come naturally to everyone. Some of us need to practice to be able to do it, or at least to do it without looking like we're having a spasm. ( Haha...for people like me who cannot wink...

Making cute paper puppets

craft works September 02, 2011
Hello! Making paper puppets is as easy as ABC. Do you know what paper puppet is?  Paper puppet is made from paper. Well, instead of using smelly socks to make puppets, why don't we try something new like...paper puppets? Matariels (paper puppets): 1. Crayon (You can use watercolour or colour pencil too. however,crayon is better because it's very easy to use,convenient and it's...

Lost World of Tambun

English zone August 30, 2011
21/4/2011 (Thursday) - All the trainees from K-unit went to Lost World of Tambun. We needed to walk from our campus to Lost World. We walked almost 5km!!!! This was really a disaster for us me. I dislike walking under the scorching sun!! We sweat like pigs too.  I was so excited on that day because that was the first time I went...

Linguistic features and function

English zone August 25, 2011
Just want to share what I have learned in this semester. 1) Emotive Language- It is used to arouse the emotion from the readers. 2) Rhetorical Questions- It is used in daily life.                                        -A question with no answer. 3) Social Expressions             example : A)When  you are late you'll say.....                             I'm sorry.                            B) When your friend wants to get married, you'll say....                             Congratulation!                            ...

Create your own favicon .

blog tutorial August 07, 2011
Great news!!!!You can design your own favicon. Last time we need to edit the html code to put our favicon. Now,Blogger has made our lives become much more easier. Okay,I use the software PAINT to make the favicon. You can use other drawing softwares too if you have. Just make your favicon looks simple and easy to be recognised by people and yourself....

How to have cute desktop icon

blog tutorial August 06, 2011
Hello,this is what I have found yesterday. Now you can change your desktop's icons!!!!!! This is really nice. It is very easy to change the icons .At first , I find it very hard for me to reset the thing in my laptop. I am also afraid that I will delete all the important data in my laptop. Fortunately,nothing happened yesterday. Hoho. Here are the...

Mayella Ewell

English zone August 01, 2011
I find that Mayella Ewell is quite an interesting character in the novel To Kill A Mocking Bird. "Mayella Ewell -  Bob Ewell’s abused, lonely, unhappy daughter. Though one can pity Mayella because of her overbearing father, one cannot pardon her for her shameful indictment of Tom Robinson."  Retrieved from:Sparknotes She hungers for love and affection which she cannot get  from her father Bob Ewell.Her beastly...


English zone July 07, 2011
I just learned this word from my lecturer today. It is an adjective.It describes a person who is able to suffer pain or trouble without complaining or showing what they are feeling. Some people in this world  are like MRS.DUBOSE too. They need to battle with their pains too. Mrs.Dubose is very sick but she refuse to take morphine. She is afraid that she'll addicted...

Drawing software

Drawing June 05, 2011
Do you like to draw? Have you drawn any things using your "mouse" before? Okay,I would like to introduce these software to you. The first one is Artrage 2.5 which is suitable for beginner. It is very easy to use. Then the second one is Serif draw plus starter edition. Hmm,it is also for starter but it is quite complicated compare with Artrage...

How to have nice blogger background

blog tutorial June 05, 2011
Hello, here are some blogger template backgrounds designed by x10. Step 1 1. Log in to blogger account .Click Design. Step 2 1.Click Edit HTML Step3 1 .type Ctrl+F 2. type background image 3.Remove the link in the bracket. 4.Replace the link in the bracket with new image url that you want. Step 4 1.check your new background before you save it ....