Making cute paper puppets - Hi5 the world

Making cute paper puppets

September 02, 2011

Hello! Making paper puppets is as easy as ABC. Do you know what paper puppet is?  Paper puppet is made from paper. Well, instead of using smelly socks to make puppets, why don't we try something new like...paper puppets?

Matariels (paper puppets):
1. Crayon (You can use watercolour or colour pencil too. however,crayon is better because it's very easy to use,convenient and it's colour is very striking . I prefer Buncho )

2. A black marker pen (to draw the lines)
3. Drawing paper (1 is for the head and another 1 is for the body)

Theme: Jungle
Puppets:  Lion and mouse

Step 1:
Sketch the outline of the puppets.

Step 2:   Colour it.Then use the marker pen to make the lines to become more thicker.
Step 3: Use a drawing paper to make the puppet's body. Glue the sides of the paper. Don't glue all sides of the paper because you need a hole to put your hand in.  After that, add "hands" to your puppet. Hmm, it'll make your puppet  look alive.

Oh! I think you need a stage too. If you want to learn how to make a stage for your cute puppets, click here

So this is my stage. It looks so hideous without any decorations.

Here's the cleaning session.

After "World war".... O.O

Leave some comments ...^.^

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  1. ur mouse remind me of TOm n Jerry...LOL

  2. Looks cool la making paper puppets..maybe someday i should try it..holidays going to end..have a new start ya..take care and all the best to you..

  3. Amanda,haha...they're more cute.Happy "school" reopen day. T.T

    Shu hui,thanks a lot! The kids love to watch puppet show. <3 You too.Exam is coming soon, +U +U >.<
