Linguistic features and function - Hi5 the world

Linguistic features and function

August 25, 2011

Just want to share what I have learned in this semester.

1) Emotive Language- It is used to arouse the emotion from the readers.

2) Rhetorical Questions- It is used in daily life.
                                       -A question with no answer.

3) Social Expressions
            example : A)When  you are late you'll say.....
                            I'm sorry.

                           B) When your friend wants to get married, you'll say....
                          Social Expression is used in our daily conversation.

4) Sentence Fragment
5) Punctuation
A)woman,without her man,is nothing
Bwoman: without her,man is nothing
Haha,can you see that?Punctuation can alter the meaning of a text.Be careful!!!!

6) Abbreviations
7) Acronyms
8) Idiomatic expression(Phrasal Verbs)
                      give up = verb + prepostition
Give up does not mean you give something up. It means you stop trying to do something.

9) Idiomatic expression (Idioms)

10) Idiomatic expression (Proverbs)
Absence makes the heart grows fonder

You can write good essays by using all these linguistic features!!!

Text A
I met him yesterday. He smiled at me. I felt happy.
 He is so handsome. I think that I am in love with him.

Text B
I bumped into him yesterday. Wow! My eyes were popping out and my jaw was hanging down when he showed his charming smile to me. Oh! I was really on top of the world at that time.
He is so handsome with his alluring look and his well-built body. My heart keeps on pounding whenever I see him. Haha, I think I'm...in love with him.

Text B is better than text A right?
A wide range of vocabulary and adjective also help a lot in order to write a good essay.
Language is very unique, isn't it?
Enjoy writing.
Haha...sorry if I make any mistakes here.

 "If practice makes perfect, nobody's perfect, so why practise"   Hmm,do you think so?


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