5th June 2019 Today was the second day we had our rental car and we decided to have a less crazy walking day after our London trip and our Alton Tower's crazy adventures. Boi invited his mum to join us because we got a car and it's easier for her to travel with us in car. We drove to the Affleck's Manchester because...
Phew. Finally it's holiday again. So I have time to blog about my England trip again. I took lots of photos lol but I feel like I should take moreeeeee. Now I really have a hard time sorting all these photos. I even plan to edit the photos one by one which is impossible. Lmao. Recently I'm really hooked with Lightroom editor. The...
A few weeks ago, we wanted to buy some new plants for our house. So we drove to Nilai Landscape & Nursery to look for some plants. We always drive past this nursery but we never realise how amazing this place is. Lots of plants are sold there. When I took some photos of the plants, I saw a baby snake on one...