October 27, 2019
5th June 2019
Today was the second day we had our rental car and we decided to have a less crazy walking day after our London trip and our Alton Tower's crazy adventures. Boi invited his mum to join us because we got a car and it's easier for her to travel with us in car. We drove to the Affleck's Manchester because Boi wanted to trade his Pokemon cards. Personally I love the Affleck's so much. Afflecks is an indoor market in Manchester, England. Lots of small stalls were inside one building. I love the fact that the building was so old and it left me another impression of Manchester. Oh I have to tell you that I loved to browse all the things in the Affleck's! I wished I had more time to do so. This place is like Berjaya Times Square in Malaysia. Lmao. The clothes were quite cheap and lots of weird stuff were sold here. I went into a weird shop that sold clothes that normal people won't wear daily. Plenty of chokers and drag clothes were sold there. I really wanted to watch a drag show here and bumped into some drag queens but yeah I didn't get the chance to do so. We came here before with Andrew's friends Mike and Gardner. The guys enjoyed their trip to the guitar store. The parking was so expensive even though we just parked for less than an hour in the Afflecks. I think this was the first time Boi's mum was in the car with us. She praised his driving and parking skills. I did drive the rental car for a few minutes when we were in the Old Trafford.
Then, we drove to the Old Trafford. I'm a not football fan but this place is like a Mecca place for Manchester United fans!!!! This place is massive!!!! I couldn't believe that I was there too. Can you imagine watching Premier League live here??? Gosh! This place will be so crowded on a matchday!!! It was a quiet day that morning because the football season just finished. I thought I could meet some famous footballer there. Lol. Do you know that you can actually book your Old Trafford Stadium Tour here? You can even get a certificate after you finished the tour. We didn't do the tour because we didn't really have the time and of course the ticket fee was out of our budget as well.
This place is really amazing. It has a stadium, museum, merchandise shop and Red Cafe as well. Boi as a die hard MU fan bought his new shirt here.
It's the Sir Alex Ferguson Stand. The legend.
We had to walk through the bag check to every places we went.Tickets are not required to enter the Red Cafe. I spotted a special lounge place when we were on our way to the Red Cafe. It's an exclusive place for the rich people to watch the foottball match from the lounge.

Aww...These are so extra.
Wow! Custom made souvenirs. It's quite pricey to be honest. *cough*
This was not too bad. Something worth to buy.
Manchester United T-shirt.
Let's Hi 5 The World!