A woman with blonde, sleek and alluring hair is my mother. Her name is Mary who married my father. She's the person who had the biggest influence in my life. I can still remember vividly every precious moment I spent with my loving mother. ''Linda! Linda!" I saw my mother running towards me and she looked pale and was sweating profusely. I was...
Traffic Accident of Life in Seremban Seremban, Tuesday- A horrifying road accident occur last midnight which led to a fatal of a man and injured five other passengers including a 4-year-old girl. According to one of the witnesses, Madam Yong said that the car was driven in high speed on the road and suddenly it was out of control. She was still trembling...
Who is your idol? Almost everyone has their idols, including me, I also have my own favourite idol. That person whose qualifies I particular admire is my father. He is forty-eight years old now. For me, I think my father is the most industrious man in the world. He is very fair and tall. He is still very healthy because he always takes...
I read about this topic last week. Actually I just had a quick flip through the green book(Language Description book) on that day. I found it quite interesting, so I decided to share it here. I don't think I'll read this book if there's no examination for this subject. >.< Interjections are used in our daily conversation. I think I use a lot of 'hmm'...
One day, I saw a girl winking at me. Then my first reaction was..."Huh! I cannot wink my eye." So I went to google How to wink. Winking doesn't come naturally to everyone. Some of us need to practice to be able to do it, or at least to do it without looking like we're having a spasm. ( Haha...for people like me who cannot wink...