February 16, 2020

3rd June 2019
I felt so happy to discover this place! This was my number one attraction of all of the places that I had visited in London. This is just my personal preference so you may not have to agree with me. After my trip to London, I kept telling my friends that London was not as nice as how I imagined it would be. London city is great and this city has so much to offer. Maybe I'm not a city person, so when I reached London I was like Ohhhhh London. Besides that, I didn't know that Trump was there on that day as well. The tube was so crowded and some of the roads were closed as well. However, I still have to thank my boyfriend for this London trip. We were really out of budget so we couldn't stay in London. How not to love this man when his girlfriend has never been to London before. Hehe. I think my jaw-dropping Lake District trip made me think that there're other amazing places in the United Kingdom.

We did our London hopping in l0 hours. We walked a lot and it was quite fun.
Wow! I felt so surprised when I walked pass the shop. This was Dr. Amalina 's favourite hairderessing salon. I couldn't believe that I spotted it.

Let's Hi 5 The World!

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