KIKKI.K TIME PLANNER - Hi5 the world


June 04, 2017

Hi, it's been a while. Do you miss me? I'm so busy for the past few months.I just realise that I have not blog for about two months. It's school holiday now so I have some time to really sit down and blog. Many things happened to me. I wish I can tell. Damn... XD I'm so disorganized for the past few months. Now, I'm back! I promise I will blog at least once a week. Lol. It's good to be here again.I'm not a verbal person so I prefer to write. 

Last Friday I went to Singapore again. If you read my blog, you'll realise that I've been to Singapore for few times. Everything is getting expensive and it makes me harder to travel to other countries because of my country's weak currency. I went to Singapore again because I wanted to join The Fitness Marshall's Cardio Dance Party. I used to dance with them in front of my laptop every evening. So, I couldn't miss the opportunity to meet them live. I'll blog about the dance party soon. After the dance party, I went to some places like the kikki.K shop. I am a planner addict so when I know that there's a kikki.K shop at Singapore I'm so excited about it. I went to Ion Orchard and I was a little bit disappointed when I knew that the shop was closed temporary for renovation.

However, my Singapore friend saw my Instagram update and she was kind enough to tell me that there was ANOTHER kikki.K shop at Raffles City. I was like I really had to go and checked it out. I was glad that I did because they were having a sale! 

At first I just planned to have a look at the shop but I ended up almost buying everything from the shop. Sale! Sale! Luckily I forgot to bring my credit card. It was my last day at Singapore and I only left 50SGD in my pocket. However, I purchased a medium sized planner because it had 50% discount. How could I miss this right? I just couldn't resist it. I almost had to walk back to my hostel because I didn't have enough money to take the MRT. Then, I forked out some coins to buy the ticket but the machine didn't accept coins. I was like 'Damn it.' Lol. Thank God there's one shopkeeper who was kind enough to exchange notes with me so that I could buy the train ticket. That's the craziest thing that I had done for thing that I really love.

* heavy breathing * This is the physical store at Raffles City.

Each planner is actually handcrafted and has their own serial number in the box. I couldn't wait to unbox it.

Some of the cards that I took from the store. 

This is my first 2017 kikki.K Leather Time Planner Medium: Sweet. It is made from classic smooth, lustrous leather with silver foil detailing and an elastic closure.
Basically this planner has these several things

  • 6 ring binder
  • 2017 weekly calendar + monthly calendar
  • Addresses sheets and restaurant sheets
  • Expenses sheets
  • Mini 'To Do' pads
  • 3 business card slots
  • Ruler/ page marker

A beauty. Lol.

The 6 ring binder and ruler. Disclaimer: The planner doesn't come with a pen. It belongs to me.

I'm quite obsessed with beautiful thing.

People buy planner to help them to become more organised. Lol. I am still disorganized at times.

Original Price was 89.90 SGD
After 50% discount it was sold at 44.95SGD. After I converted it to ringgit it's approximately RM130.. Okay la. :) Shut up and take my money. I can use it for many many years. It's an investment actually. Sometimes I have to pamper myself for working so hard. *so many excuses lol*

You can watch the unboxing video here.

Let's hi 5 the world

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