I'm officially a planner addict now. When I scrolled my instagram feed, my jaw dropped because these instagrammers are so into this planner thing. Their collection of washi tapes is like "Omg how can you afford that?" I can't afford to purchase all these fancy stickers and washi tapes so I prefer to reuse the materials that I can find in my house....
Today I went to Artfriend shop again. This shop is like a heaven for me.Lots of things. Even though I have been to this shop for a several times, I do not really have much time to look at all the things there. I bought two new sketching pens.The brand is Picma Micron. Next time I will purchase Koi brush pen. I'm out...
I just made this January labels for my 2016's planner. I love these cartoons! KAWAII DESU. I will update the coloured version soon. The image that I have uploaded is a scanned image. Feel free to download it and print it. I hope that the quality is okay. Any suggestions for February's theme? 这是一月份的素材。这些卡通是不是很可爱?本人很爱日本卡通。最近超迷蛋黄哥。我先上载这黑白版本,我觉得我比较喜欢黑白的哦。因为能涂上自己喜欢的颜色。发挥自己的创意力。迫不及待要把它彩上漂亮的颜色哟。我迟一点会上载颜色版本的一月份素材。希望你们会喜欢。欢迎下载 :) 嗯,二月份要画写什么主题的素材呢? ****updated**** Colour version 彩色版 迫不及待的把它们都剪下来了。Hmm..I couldn't...
When I first started blogging, I just wanted to write something to improve my English. I didn't know that we could earn money by blogging. One day I read my coursemate's blog which entitled dreameddream, I was curious about the sidebar of her website. I saw an advertisement on her website. The next day I asked her about the advertisement and how did...
2015 is indeed a very hectic year for me. Finally I can have a break but I hope that it's not a long break. I need to work and I need money. *Checking my bsn account and when I look at the figure...Oh!I don't have much money left.* I'll skip the money thingy here.Oh, it is very tiring. Very tired. Tedious. Burn out.We...
Last weekend, I went to have a saturdate with my friend at Nana's Green Tea. I was so eager to try this famous parfait. * * * * * * * Tada... I ordered a parfait which costed me RM19.80. When I saw the parfait, I felt so happy. The portion was quite big. Well, I think green tea lovers could finish it...
I was so excited when I received my parcel last Friday. I got my new Adidas Superstar sneakers. The design of this sneakers are from the collaboration of Adidas with Rita Ora. After I unbox the parcel, I tried the new sneakers. The padded foams inside the sneakers made me feel very comfortable after wearing the sneakers. However, size 5 was quite big...
Finally, we went to explore the magnum ice cream cafe during weekend. The hook: Make your own magnum *actually it's made by the workers, we just choose the set only* First we chose the set that we wanted, then we made our payment. After that, we just watched how they made 'our own magnum'. Ice-cream based: vanilla/chocolate Coated with: milk/white/dark chocolate Toppings: You'll be spoiled...
A few weeks ago, my mentor came to my house. She taught my friends and I some makeup tips.Frankly speaking, I don't really know how to makeup. Sometimes I like to watch michellphan's videos to learn some makeup tips.However I don't really have time to practise. During my graduation dinner, I just tried to put on some makeup. I actually own some makeup...
I love to visit Taiwan's drugstore. I am surprised to know that we can buy contact lens at the drugstore like Watson and Cosmed. It's common for them to purchase contact lens at drugstore. For us, we normally buy contact lens at optical shops. I bought this contact lens at a shop called 86 shop. We really went crazy when we entered the...