

October 31, 2015

A few weeks ago, my mentor came to my house. She taught my friends and I some makeup tips.Frankly speaking, I don't really know how to makeup. Sometimes I like to watch michellphan's videos to learn some makeup tips.However I don't really have time to practise.  During my graduation dinner, I just tried to put on some makeup. I actually own some makeup products but I just use them once in a blue moon. For instance, graduation dinner. Lol. Luckily the makeup products didn't expire when I wanted to use them. 

1. Tesl dinner party
eyebrow-In2it brow powder
eyeliner-maybelline hypersharp liner
eyelashes-maybelline volum'express colossal waterproof mascara
eye- catrice made to stay highlighter pen
lips-peripera's lip marker #pink stain
contact lens- freshkon colour fusion  #brilliant brown

2. Gala night
eyebrow-In2it brow powder
eyeliner-maybelline hypersharp liner
eyelashes-maybelline volum'express colossal waterproof mascara
eye- catrice made to stay highlighter pen
lips-peripera's lip marker #pink stain
contact lens- freshkon colour fusion  #shimmering grey

After my mentor taught us the right skill to makeup, I learned lots of do's and don'ts from her. The photo that I am going to show below is after I had my first makeup lesson.Does it look better than the previous makeup photos? My mentor taught us the steps to put on makeup. From cleansing to the very last step. For newbies like us, we actually spent two hours to makeup. I was really sleepy at that time. Makeup is such a tedious work. Personally I like contouring the most. It was my first time trying her contouring palettes. Surprisingly, the result was obvious and satisfying. My nose bridge looked more defined and it did not have the black patchy look that I was always worried about.  Overall, it was indeed a great experience learning from my beloved mentor.

Look at all the makeup kits.

Looking so weird because it doesn't look like me at all. Still have room for improvements.

After the makeup session, we did some so-called 'photoshoot'. We love the products so much!
How was it?

My wishlist after trying all of my mentor's products:primer and cleansing brush

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