November 03, 2015
I was so excited when I received my parcel last Friday. I got my new Adidas Superstar sneakers. The design of this sneakers are from the collaboration of Adidas with Rita Ora.

After I unbox the parcel, I tried the new sneakers. The padded foams inside the sneakers made me feel very comfortable after wearing the sneakers. However, size 5 was quite big for me. I had to wear a pair of socks because the sneakers kept on slipping.
Adidas is always a work of art. A brand which is well-known for their three stripes logo.
Here are some tips on how to style your adidas sneakers. Normally I like to browse instagram to find inspirations. It's the easiest platform to browse photos.
1. Use hashtag to narrow down your search.
For example #adidassuperstar , #adidas, #adidasorignals
2. You can view all the relevant photos in a grid form. *The main reason that I like to use instagram to search photos*
3. Click any photos that you would like to view.
4. If you like the style, click the 'follow' button to follow the account. So you can view more updates from the users that you have followed on your instagram feed.
Photo: Retrieved from instagram
The photos below are retrieved from the accounts that I'm currently following.
Photo retrieved from @stylenanda_korea
Kyary Chan also wears adidas superstar. Photo retrieved from @kyarykyary0129
Photo retrieved from @kyarykyary0129
kawaii desu
Photo retrieved from @kyarykyary0129
Simple look. Top, jean and your adidas superstar sneakers.
Photo retrieved from @andicsinger
Simple street look. Knit wear, your forever-easy-to-match white top, black pants and your sneakers which will be the highlight of your #OOTD.
Photo retrieved from @andicsinger
Wearing sneakers to the beach is like white is the new black?
Photo retrieved from @andicsinger
Your outfits will never look plain with these classic sneakers.
Photo retrieved from @stylenanda_korea
Needless to say, the sneakers just compliment your outfit.
Photo retrieved from @stylenanda_korea
So stylish. Effortlessly.
Photo retrieved from @stylenanda_korea
These sneakers are definitely the must-have-items in your sneakers collection. Especially for #shoesaddict
Photo retrieved from @stylenanda_korea