August 16, 2021

Just a little bit life update after a few months in lockdown. Life feels the same everyday. Wake up. Work. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. I have no idea how Malaysian bear with this but we really have lots of patience to deal with this situation. I'm so happy that my friend introduce me Yoga a few months ago before this lockdown. I used to think Yoga is boring and slow paced. Now it really helps to calm down my thoughts especially during this pandemic! I like Yin Yoga the most. It's very relaxing and I tried to do a few poses after learning from my Yoga instructor. I start to love Yoga more and more. I will normally do 15 minutes deep stretch after my workout session. So my thighs don't feel painful the next day anymore when I want to workout again. I discovered Boho Beautiful Yin Yoga on Youtube and it's the best thing ever. I always wear earbuds and follow her Yin Yoga instructions. I always feel like I'm at somewhere else when I play her Yin Yoga videos. Very recommended!


I managed to shed my previous MCO 1.0 weight. Just 2kg to go.

A few ladybug came to our living room recently. They're so cute and they always like to disturb me when I'm crocheting. LMAO.

And I'm so excited to show you my plant shelf from China!!! I waited for almost 2 months for it to arrive. However, it was totally worth the wait. The price was so cheap and it was real nice and sturdy. I was pretty impressed with my bf because he managed to help me to build it without the manual book. Haha. 

It came with free gifts as well. I always love free gifts lol. I bought two scrubs as well. Just want to try the peach flavours scrub. 2 tub for RM12 only.

I have some time to take care of my skin as well.

Always want to achieve the "poreless" & "glassskin" effect.

I try to exercise one hour per day to keep myself sane. Trust me. It works!!!!

This is the next book that I'm going to buy soon. I should allocate some time to read soon as well <3

I will probably post more here because I need to post all the photos from my phone. My phone always has no storage which is quite irritating at times. I should get a new phone soon. Hmmm..but I always want a nice tablet. Let's work hard to buy both!

Let's Hi 5 The World!

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