Driving recklessly

February 21, 2015

My dad is getting older, I realise that I have to pick up the courage to drive. My mum, my brother and I had driving license but I do not trust their driving skill. Sometimes people will condemn on my driving skill that I drive too slow. I am just being careful. I am responsible for my own life. I would rather be a coward on the road rather than a dead hero. I have to admit that my brother's parking skill is very good. It's better than my mum and I. As usual when it comes to parking skill...guys are better. However, sometimes...I am afraid. Well, you will experience that kind of fear when you sit in a reckless driver's car.  You will get tensed up.  You can't sit there and relax throughout the journey. Sometimes my right leg will involuntary do the 'press-the-break' action when I find out the situation is not right. I have experienced a few road accidents and I was not the driver...Then I start to have this phobia that I can't trust people :(Sometimes I just don't like to drive...sometimes I need to because of some conditions. I am not saying that I am very good in driving...I am just very very afraid of road accidents.

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