行动研究。烦。我拿到一个很棘手的讲师。我们被他放飞机很多次他竟然说我们没有付出。真的很累! 最近有够倒霉啦。:( 修电脑竟然修到 四百多。都怪那gst....有一天我真的很累, 看到学生来都乱骂一通。心想我越来越没耐真心了,可怜我这些学生无辜被骂。我一直在想我真的适合当老师吗? 我最不喜欢开会和课外活动了。真的没完没了。 实习完就要准备考试-->假期--> internship --> full report -->viva --> 考试-->面试 --> 等 posting ... 重重难关等着.... 还有我很忙很忙时,千万别来惹我! 快一点毕业。 ...
Got what I wanted. Just decorated my journal. How was the new look? My idol. Dreaming to be an entrepreneur in the future too. When can I have the time to just curl up on my sofa , sip a cup of my favourite drink and read? ...
There are times when you scroll through all the social media and realise that your peers just get into relationships and some just tie the knot.Then you start to have self-doubt.Am I not good enough? Am I not pretty enough? It's normal to think like that. However, there's not need to rush. Just a piece of advice for the girls. Don't be a...
1. Download a printable template from the website. Choose any animals you like. For instance, type : cow paper puppet printable 2. Colour it. 3. Tada..cute little cow! 4. Put your hand inside and moo~ 5. Pig version. I enjoy teaching Language Arts the most because I need not prepare too many things. Stress free. However, something happened today during my lesson. I...
RANCANGAN PENGAJARAN HARIAN KSSR PSV TAHUN 5 Mata pelajaran : Pendidikan Seni Visual Tarikh : 25 Mac 2015 (Rabu) Tahun : 5 A (24orang) Bidang : Mengenal kraf tradisional Aktiviti : Tekat Tema : Alam Semula Jadi Tajuk : Kain Hiasan Masa : 60 minit (10.10 a.m – 11.30 a.m) Media : Alat - gunting, jarum, ram dan alatan lain yang sesuai ...
You don't know how much I love this lady and all her songs. Yasutaka Nakata is the best composer! She is definitely the reason I listen to J-pop. My currently addiction is "Mondai girl". ...