Staying outside...yay or nay? - Hi5 the world

Staying outside...yay or nay?

September 23, 2014

Hello...Haha. Here I am again to blog about something because I'm finally free from all the lesson plan and some mischievous kids.*cough* Hahaha. What a wonderful feeling! It has been a long time I didn't write anything...Suddenly just feel like I want to write something. *no people will read my blog pun kekeke* Haiz...I just wonder why my classmates are not so active in blogging thesedays. They were more active in Instagram already.Well, for me I used to have this habit-every night before I sleep I will reflect what I have done for the whole day. Like did I do anything good...help any people...or badmouth about any people...I wish I could write it all down in a diary. However, it seems like I am getting lazier even just to hold a pen to write. Kekeke...It's easy to type here...

Today I want to share with you my experience about staying outside the campus.This is my first time staying outside with so many people under one roof hence any things could happen. Lol. It's not like what people used to say "staying outside is fun la", "freedom" and blah blah blah. It is certainly a NO for me.

The yay part is I can wear shorts whenever I want. I really like it when I can just wear singlet and short pant then go out to hang my clothes. *last time cannot...haha*
I can cook what I want to eat..but even though we move out we still have this problem daily.."What I want to cook today ah?" Last time we used to say, "What we want to eat today ah?" Same la...hehe. Apart from that I don't need to clean my room anymore during the holiday.*like this the most* I can just leave my room like that and don't need to pack or unpack all my stuffs..

Hmm...so far it's the living expense. I spent mostly on food because we need to cook. Rent RM80 per person monthly. Electric RM20++ if we use aircon the bill will shoot to RM40++ per person. Internet RM20++ per person...other expenses somemore...so it's quite a huge amount for me la :( since I only use my allowance to live. My parents did give me some money but sometimes I refuse to use it so I will just save the money in another bank. For me lah....I'm not that kind of person who will ask my parents to give me money just to spend on unnecessary thing. I'm an obedient child and I always bear in mind with mum's advice-spend modestly. Even though I do have the urge to buy things online at times...I always regret after I bought all the things and remember about them...How hard they earn the money. I have this thought la..I hope it does not offend anyone of you la. I wonder why youngster do not have the habit to save money. Isn't it some kind of "amalan mulia"? I will feel insecure if I don't have any money in my bank account. I do not know why...haha. And I do not dare to ask money from my parents if they happen to know I "luan luan hua qian". Of course they will questions what do use the money for. Most of the time I just tell them it's used for academic purposes. And they are true. I really admire people who can purchase things without looking at the price tags..So good right la...lol.Whenever I see anything nice in the mall,deep down inside I definitely want to own it. However, when I take out the price tag there comes the jaw dropping moment. "RM129.90" . "Wow" Like..hmmm ..mmm..okay. Why is it not on sale? kakaka...monologue,"One day I can buy this. Hahah."
How nice if I were a rich girl..*dreaming*

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