What I got this year lol
June 04, 2014Hello! *wave frantically* It has been a while since I last visit my own blog. Lol. I mean it has been a while I didn't write anything on this little virtual space of mine. I am having my semester break. What a long semester break to become fat and lazy which I don't really like. Frankly speaking, I'm a couch potato since I back home. *who's with me?* Travelling is not on my list because I got no penny left yo. But I'm happy because this is the time that I can read a novel a day. Normally I don't have the time to just curl up at the sofa and read a book for the whole day. So this is when I unplugged from the virtual world. I didn't surf the internet so frequently like before. What a great achievement. #Fomo.Well. This is my hobby. *Get a life!!!* Say what you need to say.