Book review-Nothing last forever - Hi5 the world

Book review-Nothing last forever

November 05, 2012

Title: Nothing Last Forever
Author: Sidney Sheldon

Two months ago, Thevika gave me this book to read. At first I was like what??? The book was so thick and the cover looked boring. However, I was wrong. Never judge a book by its cover! After reading this book, I felt so sad but I didn't cry like Thevika la. Haha. Sidney is such a good writer. He can write so well. The setting of the story was mostly at the hospital and I thought it would be very boring but the writer's writing made me felt as if I was in the OnCall36 hours scene. Haha. The story revolved around the three characters who named Kate Hunter, Betty Lou Taft and Paige Taylor. Three of them were female doctors and they lived together in a shared apartment. At first their friendship was not so good because they just knew each other. Haha...the scene where the three of them had different perceptions towards each other were really funny.

Kate Hunter was a black woman and she was raped by her stepfather when she was very young.Then she ran away from her house and stayed at her aunt's house. At her aunt's house, her aunt was really good and she inculcate good reading habit to Kate. What I remembered was when her aunt said "Read these..You're gonna be successful one day." That was really touching! Yeah, she indeed became a black doctor and she made a vow that she won't let a man to touch her again. However there was this stupid guy Ken made her to change her mind. Why????? I hate this guy and you know what ...the writer made me read for so many pages just because I wanted to know the ending. This is because I wonder when he is going to face the music, when he is going to die!!! He bet his friends five thousand dollars that he could have sex with Kate. All the people already know that Kate is not interested in guy. This Ken of course he had tried so many times to con Kate but didn't success because Kate already heard about the bet from her friend. Oh my god! Kate thought she was clever and she tried to go out with him just wanted to make a fool out of him. She played with the fire and in the end she was the one who needed to bear with the consequences. I thought that stupid Ken will die, I thought Kate will ruin the stupid Ken's marriage,I thought.. I thought...You see the writer made my life miserable. Haha. I kept on guessing the ending. You need to read the book if you want to know the ending of that stupid guy and Kate.

There was another character that I dislike in this story. She was Betty and her nickname was Honey. I was like duh...omg. She could graduate not because of her flying colours result but having sex with the teacher. Omg..she learned all the things from karma sutra and she became very experienced. After that, many guys wanted her just because she was an "expert". Haiz...why got this kind of people.

Paige Taylor was a very nice character but I didn't really focus on her part. Haha because it's quite boring. I just quickly flipped through her part just because I wanted to know more about the progress of Honey and Kate. However, Paige had some sad stories too.The writer made me that doctor's life is so hectic. You can feel the built up tension when you read it...first time I read a book until 4 a.m because it's really well-written and interesting.

This is my first time doing a book review because I have nothing to do in my hostel room..Haha. Nola...just want to have a niche blog. I have found my new niche. :)

Anyone reads this book? Hehe how you guys feel? Do you feel the same way like I do???
Bye and happy holiday.
Fingers crossed.

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