05/2012 - 06/2012 - Hi5 the world

Essay-Is it better to live in the city or the countryside?

essay May 31, 2012
     From my point of view, it is better to live in the countryside. Although some people say that living in countryside is dull and boring. they can not stay comfort without television and air-conditioner. All these are wrong. Living in the rural area is beneficial than urban.      Nowadays, government have built many reasonably good roads in the rural areas....

Essay-Describe a neighbour that you dislike

essay May 30, 2012
     My house is a double storey house terrace house which is located in a housing estate in Taman Bukit Buaya. Initially, the neighbours here are very courteous and considerate. For instance, we usually drop in the neighbours' house during the festival as there are so many open house near my housing area. Laughter filled the air when we go jogging and...

Essay-A story ending with "He was given a certificate of appreciation for his honesty"

essay May 29, 2012

Essay-A frightful night

essay May 28, 2012
     Last school holidays, I visited my cousin who lived in Malacca, the prevailing historical state of Malaysia. I went there by boarding a bus. Before leaving my hometown, I asked my neighbour to keep an eye on my house, watered the plants and collected mails for me as i decided to stay at my cousin's house for a month.     ...

Essay-How I spend my weekends

essay May 27, 2012
     I live in a double-storey house which is located in Taman Buaya, Perak. in my state, the weekends fall on Saturday and Sundays. After spending five days of assignments and extra curricular activities, we are allowed to take some time off to relax and unwind during the weekends. I can do my all-time-favourite activities during the weekends.      During the...