2023 - Hi5 the world


event October 10, 2023
Weeks ago we went to the biggest light show in Malaysia. It was in Seremban. We went to the Seremban folk festival before we walked to the light show area. Tickets were okay.. RM25 each if I was not mistaken. We went there on weekend and it was mad. It was really crowded. Not many food choices. As usual some food trucks selling...


event October 10, 2023
My husband's golf friend invited us to join her birthday party. We were pretty much excited to look for the costume. It was a nice night out at soul out KL.Our first event as husband and wife.I have to thank my yoga friend for this dress. *****Let's Hi 5 The World! ...


selangor August 26, 2023
This was ages ago..before I got my transfer to KL. I got my yearly free holiday on Monday. So it's kinda our tradition to go to somewhere normally crowded on public holiday. We didn't go to Sunway Lagoon this year. Splash Mania just opened and it was really close to our house. Hence, we made a decision to go there. It was soft...


TTC August 26, 2023
I have been practising yoga for almost two years now. I started yoga after MCO. I was amazed by this yoga teacher's arm strength. I can't wait to take Yoga Teacher Training Course soon. I'm really interested to learn yoga in depth and spread the benefits of learning yoga to others. However, the TTC course is really a lot! :( I have to...


school July 09, 2023
Worklife is easier to deal with when you have a bunch of supportive collagues. I'm so lucky to have these colleagues for 6 years. I couldn't ask for more. However, life goes on. I have to work in another school. It's always very hard to start all over again. Just be yourself and everything will be fine.vMy colleagues bought me a pair of...


FAREWELL July 09, 2023
Things just happened too fast recently. I got my transfer. Everything happened too fast and I didn't even have time to bid farewell with my students. I was so busy with all the documents and moving some of my stuff to a new city. At first I couldn't sleep well for few days because I was so afraid to drive in the city...But...