12/2015 - 01/2016 - Hi5 the world

日付シートMARCH -三月份手帐素材

planneraddict December 26, 2015
I'm officially a planner addict now. When I scrolled my instagram feed, my jaw dropped because these instagrammers are so into this planner thing. Their collection of washi tapes is like "Omg how can you afford that?" I can't afford to purchase all these fancy stickers and washi tapes so I prefer to reuse the materials that I can find in my house....

日付シート2016 -FEB 二月份手帳素材

planneraddict December 26, 2015
Today I went to Artfriend shop again. This shop is like a heaven for me.Lots of things. Even though I have been to this shop for a several times, I do not really have much time to look at all the things there. I bought two new sketching pens.The brand is Picma Micron. Next time I will purchase Koi brush pen. I'm out...

日付シート2016 -JAN CARTOON THEME 一月手帐素材

freebies December 22, 2015
I just made this January labels for my 2016's planner. I love these cartoons! KAWAII DESU. I will update the coloured version soon.  The image that I have uploaded is a scanned image. Feel free to download it and print it. I hope that the quality is okay.   Any suggestions for February's theme? 这是一月份的素材。这些卡通是不是很可爱?本人很爱日本卡通。最近超迷蛋黄哥。我先上载这黑白版本,我觉得我比较喜欢黑白的哦。因为能涂上自己喜欢的颜色。发挥自己的创意力。迫不及待要把它彩上漂亮的颜色哟。我迟一点会上载颜色版本的一月份素材。希望你们会喜欢。欢迎下载 :) 嗯,二月份要画写什么主题的素材呢? ****updated**** Colour version 彩色版 迫不及待的把它们都剪下来了。Hmm..I couldn't...


money December 13, 2015
When I first started blogging, I just wanted to write something to improve my English. I didn't know that we could earn money by blogging. One day I read my coursemate's blog which entitled dreameddream, I was curious about the sidebar of her website. I saw an advertisement on her website. The next day I asked her about the advertisement and how did...


college December 10, 2015
2015 is indeed a very hectic year for me. Finally I can have a break but I hope that it's not a long break. I need to work and I need money. *Checking my bsn account and when I look at the figure...Oh!I don't have much money left.* I'll skip the money thingy here.Oh, it is very tiring. Very tired. Tedious. Burn out.We...