I just received my first photobook from this website. The most important thing is it is free! I saw the advertisement on FB weeks ago. At first I couldn't believe the offer. I clicked on the webpage and found out that I just had to pay for the postage and then I could get the photobook for free. How awesome was that. The book...
My dad is getting older, I realise that I have to pick up the courage to drive. My mum, my brother and I had driving license but I do not trust their driving skill. Sometimes people will condemn on my driving skill that I drive too slow. I am just being careful. I am responsible for my own life. I would rather be...
从实习开始我每天都大概两点睡,然后五点起身。过后六点半要去学校了。每天都得驾半小时的车真是件不容易的事。起初说要省钱不租外面。现在后悔有点迟了。来回一小时是蛮累的。那段路又暗又没路灯真考验我的驾驶技术。而且有一段路特别黑又很多弯路。一不小心真的会冲下山坡去。真不容易。我真的很怕我打瞌睡。;( 还有47天而已。啊........T.T 有时后课外活动或开会我们会更迟回。回到家,一躺下床就睡着了。起身时已经晚上七点了。哈哈。然后又继续做教案和教具。每天都过着这样的生活,好幸苦啊。 ...
I'm teaching year 3 for my English subject and year 5 for art subject. So, I have 37 kids in my y3 class and I feel so exhausting when I am in the class. Many problems. As usual. Some pupils display inadequacy, some pupils are making noise and some pupils just can't stay at their seat. Such a restless life. When can I...