A few days ago, one lecturer asked me something about my ar. She told me that she didn't expect sth. And I told her I was surprised too. Thanks for the concern. She is such a good lecturer. Maybe other people don't really care much but she just made me feel worried. At first I do think about that, but I just have...
Yesterday I just went to my 'see' my school. Fortunately it is not so far. It is a 30 minutes' journey from my house to the school. So I decided not to stay near my school because I can't afford to rent another house. However I still have to rent a car. I definitely have to sacrifice my time to sleep late and...
时间过得真快,不知不觉我在怡保求学已经四年半了。今年是最后一年了。真不可思议。想想我在这四年半都过着'深居'的生活。在这么大的学院里我只是个默默无名的人。其实有些人甚至不知道我是学姐。其实我比较喜欢这种低调的生活。想说自己好像没什么变到。还是以前那么的认真。其实当我温习或做东西我比较喜欢一个人。因为这样做东西比较快。当我真的很忙时我的口头禅是"不要烦我"。跟我很熟的朋友可能会经常听到我说 不要烦我我要做功课。不要烦我我要运动。不要烦我我要睡觉。 我也很爱说随便啦。哈哈。每次她们要去吃哪里或吃什么都会问我。我都说随便啦。过后她们建议有点贵的地方我就犹豫不决... 友:要去哪里吃? 我:随便啦 友:kr 要吗? 我:hmmmmmmm....*她们就懂我不要去哈哈* 友:那你要去哪里哦? 我:不懂哦,随便啦。哈哈 友: haiyo每次都这样。 我是真的很欠揍 :( 然候她们会迁就我去比较没那么贵的地方吃。有时真是谢谢你们包容我这个pattern。她们知道我很省钱。有很多时候会考虑到我。虽然她们有时会开玩笑说我太节俭了,常常成为她们的话柄。我还是很喜欢和她们一起相处。要好好珍惜这最后年了。将来大家要见面都会很难吧毕竟大家都来自不同的州属。我得好好处理自己的情绪。少说 "不要烦我"了。人家不是烦我而是关心我。我该珍惜这一切改掉这个坏习惯。改一改我的说话语气。不然改天再也没有人要理我...我就真的惨了啦。:) 又要回去了。想要给电费水费车油钱网络费教具的钱。还有什么? Gst? 通通都来啦。如果我能够不吃东西但能继续生存我真的可以不要吃。哈哈哈哈。钱钱钱钱钱。有钱不是万能,没钱就真的万万不能。还有一年,我可以的。哈哈。都熬过了四年半咧。 ...
Recently I just went to check my eyes because I had been wearing my full-frame spectacles for almost two years. So, it's time to check my eyesight and change my glasses. Even though it costed me a bomb to buy a new spectacles, I had to purchase a new one because I couldn't see very well at night. Months ago I started to...
Wow! I feel so happy for our senior. Some of them already get their posting which is a very great news. It's really fast. So fast can get salary already hehe. Even though it's for those who applied Selangor get their posting first, still feel surprised for their early posting.Hmm...I don't know about our batch. :) Which state am I going to choose?...
Hmm....I was once a fatty. It actually takes years to slim down even though you just want to shed a few kilograms. This is because sometimes it will bounce back or become worst. It's very easy to get fat, but it's very very difficult to lose weight. My mum always says I am too skinny and insists me to eat more. So... I...