12/2012 - 01/2013 - Hi5 the world

Life of Pi

books December 29, 2012
11/12/12 - We went to Seremban Terminal 2 to watch this movie. Actually I didn't really understand the story because the subtitle on the screen was white in colour and so blur... I only realised that this story was not merely about a man and a tiger after I viewed the explaination of this story from Fb. I retrieved the pictures from: http://www.croakun.com/...

A Famosa water theme park

friends December 20, 2012
17/12/2012-Many days ago, my friends and I went to A'Famosa waterworld. We went there by car and ah chung was the driver of the day. She had to fetch us for many times because there were nine of us but we only had a car. At first, chung telephoned me and asked me whether I could go there by myself. I told her...