07/2012 - 08/2012 - Hi5 the world

Trip to bukit tinggi

travelling July 31, 2012
      I went to Bukit Tinggi with my friends a few weeks ago. Bukit Tinggi is situated in Pahang and it's only an hour's drive from KL city. That day it took almost three hours to reach there because we departed from Perak. It's quite a long journey and it's suffering because of the winding roads there. It's also quite tiring...


July 29, 2012
I love you by 2ne1...nice song. Omg,they are so sexy and beautiful! Bye~ ...


July 29, 2012
笑只是个表情,有时跟心情无关。嘻皮笑脸的人不能够不代表没有忧伤。生活不是为了去取悦别人。有时后也得顾一下自己何必处处去烦别人的事呢?一团糟的生活.. ...

you better don't

July 24, 2012
haha like thevika hehe Oh no...assignment! ...


July 20, 2012
Let me recall some of the insane things that I've done when I was young. Finish one bottle of mayonnaise in one day. Finish one jar of peanut butter in one day too. When I was young, I used to sneak into the kitchen and took out a whole jar of mayonnaise from the refrigerator. Then I sprang back to the living room,...

Everyday is so wonderful

July 17, 2012
星期一竟然是那么累的一天。早上八点上课到十点。有点闷闷的课...然后休息一阵子。十二点半再上课到一点半。然后回去宿舍休息到四点半。过后有gerko....然后走去学院外面吃晚餐咯。有时候会觉得这样的生活很无趣。是时间过得太快还是我的步伐太慢了。若我再休息就会永远被抛在后头了。 我很乖没睡午觉咯因为我看the glee project。最近一直很迷很迷glee 和glee project。 胖胖的背影 星期六那天和朋友们去了bkt.tinggi 玩。嗯,风景很美。上次和家人去马六甲而已我竟然晕车然后吐。这次我真的差不多要吐出来了。 可是我忍着了。哈....以前我不会这样的。我的身体怎么了? 我觉得搭van辛苦咯。不懂做么那么辛苦。唉,还是比较喜欢搭火车。 最近很多事烦咯。很累咯。唉,啊赛门要来了更惨咯。出去玩的代价就是有一箩的衣服等着我去洗..一大堆的课业以及presentation等着我去做。 上个星期五是我第一次听mr.ooi 的课。希望未来能出席更多更多的佛学班。 就让我印象深刻的是他说...即使你身边有很多很多的朋友...it doesn't mean u're not lonely. When u're alone doesn't mean u're lonely too.  Just depend on the individuals...books can also be their companion. It doesn't mean that they'll be very emo when they are alone. Haa.  Thanks Mr.Ooi. He says that it takes time to make something to become...


July 11, 2012
是人都有惰性的,这是与生俱来的。但是我们后天可以改变这种惰性,因为有很多人正在改变.... 知道自己要干什么,夜深人静,问问自己将来的打算并朝着那个方向去实现,而不是无所事事和做一些无谓的事。 摘自面子书....hehe ...